In his March 2 Lawrence Journal-World column, Mike Hoeflich, a professor in the Kansas University School of Law, wrote that Attorney General Phill Kline’s “attempt to subpoena the medical records of patients who underwent late-term abortions are [sic] troubling to me on other grounds.” Hoeflich criticized Kline’s action because it puts “doctor-patient confidentiality” at great risk.
An item in the March 4 issue of the Journal-World noted that DNA helped lead police to BTK suspect Dennis Rader. According to the article, “…investigators had obtained DNA before Rader’s arrest from a tissue sample that came from his 26-year-old daughter’s medical records. They took it without her knowledge.”
Thus far, Hoeflich has not used his column to criticize the violation of doctor-patient confidentiality regarding the medical records of Rader’s daughter.