Monday, August 13, 2012

Rothschild fails to give credit where credit's due for conservatives' victories

In today's Lawrence Journal-World, liberal activist/reporter Scott Rothschild asks, "Who wins, loses if Senate shifts to right?"

Here is the second paragraph from this article:

"Public schools, middle class families and women are in for a rough ride, according to Democrats as they assessed the political landscape after a slew of moderate Senate leaders were defeated in last week’s Republican Party primary, courtesy of a combined effort from Gov. Sam Brownback, the billionaire Koch brothers, Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Kansans for Life."

Rothschild used similar words in an August 7 article:

"Gov. Sam Brownback, the billionaire Koch brothers, Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Kansans for Life combined to help defeat a slew of moderate Republican Senate candidates on Tuesday."

Notice one group missing from the list of those who worked to defeat the so-called moderates? Rothschild failed to credit the voters.  

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